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Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

Q: How do we contact you?

A: The top right of our website offers a 'contact us' link. You can also reach us through our email address:, or mailing address - 9 Orchard Road, Suite 100, Lake Forest, CA 92630

Christermon Foundation

Q: Please tell us more about the Christermon Foundation.

A: Foundation history appears at top right of our website. If you wish additional information, or to speak with one of our officers, please email us at We will contact you as soon as possible.

Scholarship Sponsor

Q: My company is interested in learning more about becoming a Beverage Industry Scholarship Sponsor.

A: The 'Scholarship Link' at our website offers general sponsor information, as well as photographs of sponsor involvement at the most recent two awards dinners. Annual Scholarship Pledges range from $3,000 to $10,000, renewable annually. Sponsor funds are sent directly to the schools, and applicable only toward the students college expenses. The program reaches a wide spectrum of students from throughout California whose families are affiliated with all aspects of the California licensed beverage industry. The Christermon Foundation is proud to manage and maintain the program in its entirety. Please contact us at to receive more detailed information.

Scholarship Recipient Disbursements

Q: My school has not received 2024 disbursement funds associated with my Beverage Industry Scholarship.

A: Funds are not automatically sent to your school. Recipients must return two documents to the Foundation in order to facilitate distribution by our CPA. Complete instructions, along with required forms, were included in the congratulatory' letter you received in May. Also included were specific dates required for fund distribution to your school. If you recently mailed required documents, please check your student access code at the 'Recipients login box' of our scholarship link. Using the student code given you in our May letter, you can track our receipt of documentation and see both the targeted and actual dates for distribution of funds. A copy of the check will be sent to family address. If you mailed required forms, but site indicates we have not received your documents, please contact us at All Fall requests must be finalized by end of each year.

2025 Scholarship app will be avail 9/24

2025 Applications are due 2/15/25. The 2025 Program opens early September, 2024

Q: When will candidates learn their scholarship status?

A: As outlined within the application process, scholarship recipients will be notified by email communication before June 1. Should any scholarships be declined, the 'next in line' group will be notified shortly thereafter. All applicants will receive a letter from us early  June..

Q: How do I qualify for your scholarship?

A: Please read through the opening portion of the scholarship link at our website. Qualifications, pre-requisites and most questions can be answered within that site.

Q: I am unable to print the required Worksheet.

A: The worksheet also appears at the left side of the scholarship application link. There you can print, complete and transmit via PDF  by 2/15/25.

Q: How important is it that we have live coach/adviser signatures on the worksheet?

A: Extremely Important. Our committee will contact and verify all listed names for all candidates.

Christermon Golf Tournaments

Q: We complete the registration page and click submit, however we are sent back to top, and our entries erased. Can I still register?

A: Yes you can. We recently upgraded the security of our website. If your browser does not allow you to properly register for our tournament, please go to and download the FIREFOX browser for free. This will allow you to easily, and securely complete registration for the tournament. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Q: We do not see how we register - only a 'interest' form appears once we click 'register here'

A: Once you agree to the terms listed, you will be transferred to the registration form. Once completed, the registration form will be transferred electronically to the Christermon office.

Q: I registered but did not receive the confirmation email, or second email.

A: Once form is filled out properly it is electronically sent to our office. Please make certain all required information was filled in before contacting us to troubleshoot.

Q: When will we receive our invoice for event participation?

A: Invoices along with event details will be emailed and sent regular mail within two weeks of our receipt of your registration.

Q: We need to change player names.

A: Player names can be changed up to three days prior to event by emailing us at After that, as names have been sent to tournament course, please have your new player(s) check-in the morning of event under original player(s) name(s).

Q: Unfortunately we need to cancel our golf participation.

A: Cancellation requests will be accepted with full refund up to date indicated on the registration form. If participation has already been paid, funds can be credited toward a future event, or returned. Requests must be made via email. Unless your spot can be filled from a 'wait list' requests for cancellation after a five-day pre-tournament window will remain due and participant responsible for full amount of invoice.

Q: Can we pay our invoice day of event?

A: Definitely. We accept both checks and credit cards.

Q: We would like to donate prizes and/or product to the event.

A: Specific spaces are available on the registration form for you to donate both prizes and product. Please bring prizes to registration table morning of event. If you are not playing in the tournament, contact us to arrange prize pick-up: Those donating on-course product will be contacted with delivery details prior to tournament.

Q: Payment for our participation in tournament will be delayed.

A: As indicated on the pre-registration disclaimer, outstanding invoices 30-days post event will be subject to a late fee. We accept all major credit cards and payment day of event.

Q: Where can we find out more information about all events?

A: Event details are posted at our website. . Registration for golf tournaments open approx 8 weeks prior to event. Please complete the 'contact us' link at our website and we will make sure you receive information. Thank you!